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Security FAQs
Saurabh Bajaj avatar
Written by Saurabh Bajaj
Updated over 6 months ago

1. **Data Storage and Protection**: Where is the facial recognition data stored? What measures are in place to secure this data and prevent unauthorized access?

Facial recognition data is stored in Google cloud. Both the communication of transport and storage is encrypted.

2. **Data Use**: What is the data being used for, specifically? Is it used only for access control, or are there other uses? Is it shared with any third parties?

Data is used purely for access control, there are no data sales or sharing with external vendors for sale.

3. **System Security**: What security measures are in place to protect the facial recognition system itself from hacking or tampering?

We periodically perform SOC 2 tests, networking monitoring, pen testing, and hundreds of specific checks across our code changes, infrastructure, APIs, client SDK etc.

4. **Accuracy and False Positives**: How accurate is the system? What measures are in place to prevent false positives, where someone other than the resident is mistakenly recognized as the resident?

We process over 8M face unlocks a year without any issues. Swiftlane continuously improves every time a person uses the system so that it can continue to adapt to changing facial features etc. We dont have any prepared reports around false positives or negatives to share.

5. **False Negatives**: Conversely, how often does the system fail to recognize authorized residents (false negatives), and what is the protocol when this happens?

We process over 8M face unlocks a year without any issues. Swiftlane continuously improves every time a person uses the system so that it can continue to adapt to changing facial features etc. We dont have any prepared reports around false positives or negatives to share.

6. **Spoofing Prevention**: What features does the system have to prevent spoofing attempts, like presenting a high-quality image of a resident's face to the camera?

Swiftlane utilizes both 2D and 3D depth checks in order to prevent spoofing attempts through images, videos and printouts.

7. **Privacy Policy**: Does the use of this technology comply with local privacy laws and regulations? How is residents' privacy ensured?

Yes, we are continuously monitoring the privacy regulations at each state in order to stay compliant with it, you can see our privacy policy here

8. **Opt-Out Options**: If residents are uncomfortable with this technology, are there alternative ways for them to access the building?.

Face recognition is completely optional, and residents can use their key/keyfob/Swiftlane mobile app for access. We never force people to use face recognition and that's how we provide the ultimate privacy controls, the option to decline usage. However, we do note that over 80% residents use face unlock and over 50% residents use mobile unlock. There is overlap where certain users use both options.

9. **Vendor Reputation**: What is the reputation of the vendor that supplies the facial recognition system? Have they had security issues in the past?

We haven't had any security incident. We have a dedicated security monitoring, incident monitoring and reporting process to customers. We work with over 700+ apartment communities and doubling every year.

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